Publications and Preprints
The sign * indicates alphabetical order of authorship; the sign + indicates co-first authorships.
Anderson Accelerated Operator Splitting Methods for Convex-nonconvex Regularized Problems
Q. Heng+,, X. Liu+,, and E. C. Chi. (2025)
Submitted. [link] [code]Pan-cancer Subclonal Mutation Analysis of 7,827 Tumors Predicts Clinical Outcome
Y. Jiang, M. D. Montierth, K. Yu, S. Ji, S. Guo, Q. Tran, X. Liu, et al., W. Wang. (2024+)
Submitted. [bioRxiv] [code]A Deconvolution Framework that Uses Single-Cell Sequencing Plus a Small Benchmark Dataset for Improved Analysis of Cell-Type Ratios in Complex Tissue Samples
S. Guo+, X. Liu+, X. Cheng+, et al., W. Wang. (2024)
Accepted at Genome Research. [link] [code] [tutorial]A Majorization-Minimization Gauss-Newton Method for 1-Bit Matrix Completion
X. Liu, X. Han, E. C. Chi, and B. Nadler. (2024)
Accepted at Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS). [link] [code]A Convex-Nonconvex Strategy for Grouped Variable Selection
X. Liu, A. J. Molstad, and E. C. Chi. (2023)
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17(2), 2912-2961. [BibTex] [link] [code]A Sharper Computational Tool for L2E Regression
X. Liu, E. C. Chi, and K. L. Lange. (2023)
Technometrics, 65(1), 117-126. [BibTex] [link] [code]Revisiting Convexity-Preserving Signal Recovery with the Linearly Involved GMC Penalty
X. Liu, and E. C. Chi. (2022)
Pattern Recognition Letters, 156, 60-66. [BibTex] [link]An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions
X. Liu, M. Vardhan, Q. Wen, A. Das, A. Randles, and E. C. Chi. (2021)
In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 4432-4435. IEEE. [BibTex] [link]